The Return

An Update 1 and a half years later.

Insane how time passes so quickly, yet my work ethic remained just as poor! The game has undergone a far bit of updating with it being fully playable on GX.Games so you can play with your friends online! Unfortunately, with online being a possibility, I had to convert a lot of objects into strictly online versions and with the way a lot of the old code works it meant that a certain quirky powerup just didn't work online. Yes, the funny yet weird mechanic that made gameplay and controls awkward for everyone involved had to be cut from the online version.  So sorry Change Power up.

 Playing locally without the Change Power up really showcased that the mechanic wasn't necessary or even a interesting mechanic for the game that I made. The powerup and its code are still in the game but the powerup will never be spawned so no players have to worry about all the issues that the single power causes.

 Another issue currently being fixed is the mobile port so I can put it on android and other devices. The port would play functionally the same as on desktop but movement and shooting would be done by virtual keys that would appear on the sides of the screen after the player chooses what game mode they choose to play (PvP or PvCOM). The issue arises when it comes to the touch controls on the virtual keys because for some reason they work fine when it comes to shooting but on the Movement it just doesn't want to work properly. 

But this won't be the end just yet. I'm gonna fix what I have and bring back. Definitely before another 2025. 

Files 21 MB
Dec 18, 2023

Get Star Ball

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